Heading Level 1

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6

This is a handy example of HTML elements that you can copy/paste into your own editor to check default styles. A paragraph of text. Lorem ipsum with a link dolor sit amet consectetur, and some emphasised textadipisicing elit. Repellat followed by some strong textmolestiae solutaeum vel iusto voluptatibus consequatur tenetur and some text that is marked repellendus harum velit this is inside a span tag mollitia voluptatum odit voluptatem facilis quis corporis, minus labore sunt!

  1. A ordered list item 1
  2. A ordered list item 2
  3. A ordered list item 3
  4. A ordered list item 4
  5. A ordered list item 5

This is a blockquote. Someone important said this. It is followed by the author in a cite tag.

Mark Conroy
Dall-e created image of person writing on a laptop in a field in the west of Ireland.
Dall-e created image of person writing on a laptop in a field in the west of Ireland.
Mark Conroy
123 Main Street
Band Album Song
Nirvana Nevermind Smells Like Teen Spirit
Manic Stree Preaches The Holy Bible Faster
Pearl Jam 10 Jeremy
Rage Against the Machine The Battle of Los Angeles Sleep Now in the Fire
Joy Division Closer Love will Tear Us Apart
HTML Input Formats
HTML Select List
HTML Checkboxes
HTML Radio Buttons